We are excited to offer one In Person Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.

River of Life
390 Red Cedar St
Menomonie, WI 54751

If you are a first time guest, you can PLAN A VISIT by clicking below.


There is a Place for You Here!

What To Expect:

Here are some of the common info people are looking for in preparation for their visit: 

What should I wear?

Wear whatever you feel most comfortable in. Most people wear jeans.

What does service look like?

A safe & fun experience for kids, engaging worship, messages based on the Bible.

Will my kids enjoy it?

Absolutely! If you have young kids, we are offering our Early Childhood for children under 5. Older children are welcome in the main sanctuary. Most Sundays, elementary-aged students are released to join our Kids Church partway through the service. Plan your visit and register your kids, and we will make sure your child has a great time.

Is there coffee?

YES! It will be hot and fresh, and we usually have a snack or two also.


Our Pastor:
Jerauld Rekow

Pastor Jerauld is a native of South Dakota. He has been married to his wife, Anna, for over 25 years. They are both graduates of Trinity Bible College in Ellendale, N.D. Together they have served as pastors, missionaries and evangelists in Montana, South Dakota, Texas, Georgia and Wisconsin. Along with their son Silas and daughter Winnie, they have a love for God, for life and for pizza. They are excited for all that God has for River of Life and Menomonie.
